Using TinyXML-2 to parse XML in C++


TinyXML-2 is a lightweight XML parser to build Document Object Model (DOM) that is easily readable and modifiable. The XML data is parsed into C++ objects to write to an output stream or disk.

Getting Started

TinyXML-2 is simple and easy to learn. You just need to add one header file and one cpp file named as tinyxml2.h and tinyxml2.cpp respectively to your C++ project. For licensing and more information click here.

Sample XML

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is similar to HTML but without any pre-defined tags. It is one of the most widely used format for sharing structured information. Below is a sample xml and we'll be using tinyxml2 to parse it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
             <book id="1101">
                  <name>XML Developer's Guide</name>
                  <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
                  <descript>An in-depth look at creating applications 
                  with XML.</descript>
             <book id="9112">
                  <name>Midnight Rain</name>
                  <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
                  <descript>A former architect battles corporate zombies, 
                  an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
                  of the world.</descript>

C++ Program

Let's write a simple C++ program to retrieve book's name and cost against the respective tags.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include tinyxml2.h

using namespace tinyxml2;
using namespace std;

//function to parse XML string
void parseXML(string& src) {

XMLDocument doc;

const char* bookName;
const char* bookCost;

XMLElement* rootElement = doc.RootElement();        //<catalog>

XMLElement* child = rootElement -> FirstChildElement("book");    //<book>

    while(child) {

        XMLElement* name = child -> FirstChildElement("name");    //<name>
        bookName = name -> GetText();
        //print bookName if required

        XMLElement* cost = child -> FirstChildElement("cost");    //<cost>
        bookCost = cost -> GetText();


Hope this article helps you to parse XML in C++ specially in use cases such as http/https requests where server response is in XML format.